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A Teaching Plan For Grade Five(Fujian Version English)

已有 726 次阅读2017-11-19 21:18

      A Teaching Plan For Grade Five

                  Fujian Version English

Teaching topic : Unit5 Months of the Year (Part A).

Date : Nov. 1st, 2017.

Place: The Bailian School.

Class : Class 2, Grade 5.

Teacher : Wang Liqing .

. Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims(知识目标):

1. 学习一年中的12个月份的单词。

2.学习句型:When is your birthday? It’s in ……


Ability aims (能力目标):



Emotional aims(情感目标):


. Key points and difficulties(教学重难点):

Key points(重点)


2. 初步运用“When is your birthday? It’s in …”句型来表达自己生日所属的月份。

Difficulties(难点)单词 April apple 的音易混淆。

.  Teaching methods(教学方法):

Chanting; Task Oriented Approach ; Listening ; Saying ; Reading ; Writing ; Singing ; Acting.

.  Teaching preparation(课前准备):


.  Teaching procedures:

Step 1  Warming up

1. Greeting each other.

T: Good morning, everybody.   Ss: Good morning, Mrs Wang.

T:Welcome to my class. Nice to see you again.  Ss: Nice to see you too.

T: How are you?       Ss: I’m fine. Thank you! 

T:Whats this?     Ss:Its a book.  T:Its an English book.

T:What are they?  Ss: They are books. T:They are English books.

T:Whats the time?  Ss:Its eight ten.

T:How much is thirteen and forty-five?  Ss:Its fifty-eight.

T:What day is today?   Ss: Its Wednesday.

T:Yes. Today is Xiaoming’s Birthday. Can you sing a song to him ?

2.Sing the song:Happy Birthday to You.

3. Reveal the topic: Unit5 Months of the Year.

4. month的教学

Step2  Review

1. Say the words and expressions: January, February. July, August, September, October, November, December,

T:Today we ‘ll learn the new unit . Unit 5. It’s about Months of the Year. Everyone , please look at the screen now. Lets study after the PPT.

Step3  Presentation

(一) 教学单词March, April, MayJune.

1. 教学单词March

(1) 由单词carchair,引导学生读出March.  

(2) 引导学生用March说句子。

 T: Women’s Day is in March. Tree Planting Day is in March.



(2)T: April fool’s Day is in April

(3)T: There are three months in spring. They are March, April and May.


(5)T: May Day is in May. Mother’s Day is in May.


(1)由问题:When is Children’s Day? 引出单词June的教学。并与单词July进行比较。


T: Children’s Day is in June. Father’s Day is in June.


提问When is your birthday?引导学生回答It’s in …,并用不同形式操练。



   (1)When is Lily’s birthday? 2When is Yang Ming’s birthday?

T: Lily and Yang Ming are talking about their birthday. Listen carefully, and answer my questions.


T: Listen to the video and read followed.

T: Please read the dialogue with your partners.

Step4  Extension

TPlease use the structure “When is your birthday? It’s in …”make a dialogue with your partners.

Step5  Summary

T: Let’s have a summary.

Step6  Homework

1. 听录音,熟读并背诵课文。

2. 完成《活动手册》上本课的练习。

3. 用今天所学的知识询问家人和朋友的生日,并记录下来。

    Step 7 Blackboard Design

Unit5 Months of the Year (Part A)

When is your birthday?



   It’s in         May.            





      Welcome to my English class !



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